My Firefly Journal: 52 weeks of gratitude, reflection, and LIGHT


Who do you want to be one year from today?

Stop and close your eyes. Visualize yourself sitting in a warm bubble bath, feeling accomplished, fulfilled, and at peace in the moment.

Imagine you open your My Firefly Journal and see evidence that you’ve met your goals and have reason to celebrate YOU.

You are:

  • Habitually grateful
  • Fulfilled
  • In control
  • Confident
  • Rested
  • Intentional

The first step to living your best life is to master the art of taking care of yourself.

My Firefly Journal will guide you. Using My Firefly Journal focuses you, helping you to be present. You will be intentional with your thoughts. You will be grateful as you reflect on the moments of each day. You will celebrate your womanhood and shine your brightest light.

The act of journaling helps you reach inner peace. Acknowledging on paper what’s important in life helps you more deeply appreciate relationships and experiences. Journaling is healing.

Grab the My Firefly Journal by multi award-winning author S.R Fabrico and join thousands of women who are on a mission to create purposeful, productive, and peaceful lives.